
Career Compass aims to support young adults in our communities to develop their career management and resilience skills for the post-pandemic society, and labour market. Specifically, we aim to improve the provision of lifelong guidance in our regions, and to enhance its integration into lifelong learning structures, by developing a suite of 40 micro-learning resources linked to the Scottish Career Management Skills Framework, and supporting the development of local synergies between education sectors.


Career Compass aims to support young adults in our communities to develop their career management and resilience skills for the post-pandemic society, and labour market. Specifically, we aim to improve the provision of lifelong guidance in our regions, and to enhance its integration into lifelong learning structures, by developing a suite of 40 micro-learning resources linked to the Scottish Career Management Skills Framework, and supporting the development of local synergies between education sectors.

Career Compass will develop a comprehensive delivery model for a new career planning intervention to support young adults who have left formal education, suffered pandemic-induced job losses or are currently in vulnerable employments. It will adopt an ab initio approach to developing these new resources at introductory and advanced levels. With goals for guidance service provision increasingly framed within overall lifelong learning policies of Member States, the model developed by Career Compass will be relevant and applicable beyond the initial target group and throughout the education and training landscape where guidance services are provided. The creation of synergies between education professionals and stakeholders across different sectors of education and training, including with VET, schools, and employment support services is a target which all Career Compass partners aim to work towards. 

Career Compass has been funded with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme. The project commenced in November 2022 and runs until October 2024.

Learning Materials and Activities

Fifteen years ago, there was no such thing as a “zero-hour” contract. Workers still vaguely believed that a tertiary level education would secure you a “good job”; and the digitisation of the workforce still sounded like something that was years away from becoming a reality. These are the changes that we can witness in one-decade; and there are a thousand other changes that we could mention here. A typical career can span 5 or more decades. This highlights how much the career landscape can change for young adults throughout their careers; and why it is important to support them to develop their own career management skills so that they can adapt to whatever career changes face them.

Career Compass project partners will address 3 structural areas that are pivotal to achieving positive outcomes in adult education and guidance. These include:

(1) the skills of adult educators – a bespoke professional development training programme will be provided to adult educators.

(2) the design of learning materials – a report published by the European Commission in 2020 highlights the need to provide flexible, accessible digital resources to support adults to develop their career management skills.

(3) the promotion of adult guidance services – there is a need to create local synergies between lifelong learning and lifelong guidance providers; and additional links are required with the world of work.

The Career Compass partners will develop the following project results to respond to these needs:

All-in-One Solution

A suite of 40 Career Management Resources, 32 addressing the Scottish Career Management Framework; and 8 resources supporting young adults to develop their resilience for the changing career landscape.

Nonstop Updates

A Professional Development programme for Adult Educators to enhance their guidance competences.

Meet the Team

The Career Compass Project Team comprises eight organisations from Iceland, Cyprus, Spain, Croatia, Czech Republic, Ireland, Poland and Portugal, working together to achieve the project aims and delivered the expected results for young adults and adult education and guidance professionals in our regions. Within the project team, there is a good balance between organisations and associations providing education and training to young adults and companies that have implemented successful projects in the field of adult education and career guidance.


Newsletter 1

Newsletter 2

Newsletter 3

Newsletter 4

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Project Number -2022-1-IS01-KA220-ADU-000087196
